星期三, 9月 27, 2006


嘻嘻,我一早就預告左,話要將煲煲既民望質番落去.....拿,我無厄你架,今日亞鍾陰乾個民調呀,話佢一開口講GST就跌啦......,拿,你知啦,佢過幾日就會宣佈 C 政報告,到時答問大會,果D咁既垃圾會議員,仲唔趁機質佢咩? 佢實要答,又視直播喎,死硬啦..........我會唔會跌? 我已經跌到底啦,就算唔升,都唔會再跌...所以,我會連食奶既力都出埋去推GST。



Mouse: I was just reflecting concerns of potential investors. My assigned duty is to ask outsiders to come and invest, and you now say that you have to "promote" the fxxking GST, in order to fix the non-existing structural financial problem. You don't think those investors are prats that they will be fooled so easily. I was interrogated by everyone everytime when I went out for road shows.......how about swaping....

TongTong: ...God damn you that you want my job........I don't care how difficult your job is. It's your job. If it's so easy to do it, how come you earn such a world class salary for doing nothing but travelling around. I warn you now, don't expect that you're superior just because you speak English. Just get out of my office and fix it within an hour. I need to see the press release on my table before I leave today...

Mouse: You're so unfair.....

TongTong: I don't need to be fair as I am your boss.....get out NOW!

呢隻咁既老鼠,居然無神神跳出黎講埋D咁既野,真係想我死......但佢為咩要咁呢? 佢實知呢個係政府政策格,點解會講句咁野呢? 莫非..........煲煲唔憤氣佢民望又倒頭落番去? 跣我? 好,等我借D倚,擺個陷阱俾佢先!

8 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

It seems that English speaker has made deals with somebody without your notice.
點都好啦, 睇定d啦=w=~~

糖糖網誌 說...


糖糖網誌 說...


糖糖網誌 說...


匿名 說...

政治家身邊,一定有人做dirty job,老鼠就係咁用

匿名 說...

